Format BrochéAuteur : REVEL JEAN-PHILIPPE

Livraison à la Réunion tout compris

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The sacraments are acts of the Church that prolong and maintain, throughout the world and throughout the centuries, the redeeming acts of Christ during His earthly life. So they are at the heart of Christian life because the believer is utterly involved, in body and spirit, in a communion with the living God who came to us in the person of Jesus and through His Spirit. The first of the sacraments, baptism, is the prototype of all the others. Through baptism we enter into the first of many symbolic signs that reveal God's plan to us: to call man to share His Mystery in a relation of love and friendship. The accomplishment of man, obscurely sought by all cultures and all religions, is realised in this relation in a way that nothing would allow us to expect or even imagine. Paradoxically, that accomplishment consists of man being drawn away from himself by the Other, and through Him by all others, who fulfil him by endlessly seeking within him the ability to extend beyond himself. To define the sacraments as signs means placing at the centre of their structure this otherness that takes our gaze away from ourselves and lies at the heart of the Christian Revelation. This first volume is the introduction to a Treaty of the sacraments. It aims to allow a large public to perceive the richness and the depth of the Christian tradition of these signs of life. What the author offers is the fruit of a long search, stimulated by love and daily practice of the liturgy, by his familiarity with the Fathers of the Church, by his teaching and pastoral responsibilities in the service of God's people.
Livraison à la Réunion
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