Format BrochéAuteur : LARCHET JEAN-CLAUDE

Livraison à la Réunion tout compris

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Ce produit dispose de la Garantie Isleden
In order to make a stand against a widely held belief, the author draws principally from the anthropology of the Greek fathers. He shows that Christianity, far from depreciating and despising the body, has on the contrary set more value on the body than any other religion. This valorisation spans from the concept of the creation - where the body is considered also as representing the image of God - to a representation of future life in which the body will participate, taking in the concept of the human being as indissolubly composed of a soul and a body. The exceptional value conferred on the body is undoubtedly linked to what constitutes the very keystone of Christianity: that is to say, the Incarnation. The fact that the Son of God became a man by assuming not only a human soul, but also a human body and that He gave man the power to be saved and deified in all his being, soul and body. After studying the body firstly in its original perfection, then in a state of lapse, and finally in its restoration by Christ, the author stresses its place and role in spiritual life and shows how it may be transfigured and made divine by the combined action of asceticism - properly understood - and grace. He goes on to evoke its ultimate destiny in resurrection and its eternal participation in divine life. In a world that has lost all awareness of the body's true value, either by turning it into an object of cult adoration, a piece of commercial goods or an instrument of pleasure, this widely accessible book is particularly beneficial.
Livraison à la Réunion
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