Paléorient 48 1
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Paléorient 48 1

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Auteur : Collectif
59,80 €
TTC Livraison sous 15 jours
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Dossier thématique/Thematic Issue
Coordonné par/coordinated by K. Abu Jayyab and J. S. Baldi
Delineating the End of a World: Reassessing the Ubaid/post-Ubaid Transition in Greater Mesopotamia

Dossier thématique/Thematic issue
coordonné par/coordinated by K. Abu Jayyab and J. S. Baldi
Delineating the End of a World: Reassessing the Ubaid/post-Ubaid Transition in Greater Mesopotamia

J. S. Baldi and K. Abu Jayyab, Introduction
K. Abu Jayyab and E. Gibbon, Stability and Change in Potting Communities across Mesopotamia from the Early Ubaid to Late Chalcolithic 1. New Insights from Multivariate Statistics and Social Network Analysis
S. Baldi, Between an End and a New Beginning. Tracking the post-Ubaid Ceramic Transition as an Indicator of Social Change
M. T. Fisher, Intrasite Variability and Changing Social Practices during the Ubaid-Late Chalcolithic Transition at Tell Zeidan, Syria
J. Kennedy, The End of the Ubaid Period in the Upper Tigris River Valley
C. Marro, The View from the North. The Emergence and Spread of the Chaff-Faced Ware Oikumenè as seen from the Caucasus (ca. 4600-3500 BCE)
S. Renette, Defining Dalma: an incipient mountain identity?
G. Russo, Pottery-Making Practices between the Ubaid and the Late Chalcolithic 1 and 2: Some Observations on Ceramics from the Balikh Valley, Syria
L. Volpi, Revisiting the South: A Typochronological Approach to the Analysis of the Ubaid Pottery based on the New Data from Tell Zurghul (Dhi Qar, Iraq)

M. Arimura (ed.) 2020. The Neolithic Lithic Industry at Tell Ain El-Kerkh. Oxford: Archeopress. 388 p. By F. Borrell
S. Renette 2021. Lagash I: The Ceramic Corpus from Al-Hiba, 1968-1990. A Chrono-Typology of the Pottery Tradition in Southern Mesopotamia during the 3rd and Early 2nd Millennium BCE. Turnhout: Brepols (ARATTA 1). 450p. By M. Zingarello


22.30 cm
28.30 cm
1.30 cm
0.78 kg
10 Produits
Revues & Séries
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